How Big Is A Handkerchief with Standard Dimensions

Handkerchiefs have been around for a long time. They are a simple way to wipe our face, hand, or nose. Whether it’s to blow our nose or conceal a sneeze handkerchiefs are the first thing we think of. These handkerchiefs come in all sizes and shapes.
But what's the exact standard dimension of it? Or how big can a handkerchief be? Pretty sure you've thought about these at some point, and therefore we are here today. Everything about handkerchiefs is covered in this article, from varied sizes to different purposes.
Why Use a Handkerchief When You Have Tissue?
Handkerchiefs are extremely useful components for wiping or even cleaning purposes. It wasn't until the 1980s that face tissues nearly replaced it as a more sanitary alternative. Yet, it didn't entirely wipe the handkerchief clean!

Image by ernest et lulu from Unsplash
Handkerchiefs are still in use. And, reasons for choosing handkerchiefs over tissues are that they are reusable and more comfortable.
Tissues are maybe a better option in terms of hygiene, but you can wash handkerchiefs regularly to keep them clean and use them again where tissues are trash after using them once!
Different Sized Handkerchief And Their Dimensions
There are tons of variations in handkerchief materials and dimensions. However, we generally see four sizes of hankies that people use most often — small, large, extra large, and the standard one.
Small handkerchiefs: These hankies are generally 8×8 inches (20.3 cm × 20.3 cm). These are best for light uses and wiping tears or sweat.
Large Handkerchiefs: Mostly around 13×13 inches (34 × 34 cm). Large hankies are for daily life use or can be used for any purpose.
Extra large Handkerchiefs: Generally, large handkerchief is the bigger size when they are categorized. But there are also extra large or supersized handkerchiefs with the size of 21 x 21 inches (53.3 cm x 53.3 cm).
Standard Sized Handkerchiefs: Among the other different sizes 12 x 12 inches (30.5 cm x 30.5 cm) are the standard handkerchief size.
Standard Handkerchief Size For Men And Women
Handkerchief sizes vary depending on material and manufacturer. And for men and women handkerchiefs are of different sizes as well.

Image by Sato-Imo from Pixabay
As we’ve mentioned before the standard size is 12 x 12 inches (30.5 x 30.5 cm), this is also the standard size for men's hankies. Women's handkerchiefs, on the other hand, are typically smaller and can range in size from 8 x 8 to 10 x 10. (20.3 x 20.3 cm to 25.4 x 25.4 cm)
Why Do Handkerchief Sizes Differ
Handkerchief sizes differ based on different purposes and different usage. For example, handkerchiefs used as pocket squares are smaller in size, because they're more likely used as fashion accessories for men. While napkins are larger because they are used for cleaning.

Image by Yuki Dog from Unsplash
Then again, men’s hankies are generally larger than women’s. The probable reason is that women do not always have large enough pockets or handbags to carry stuff. Therefore, small-size hankies are preferable to them.
How Big Is A Handkerchief?
Now how big is a handkerchief exactly? , handkerchiefs are as big as pieces of cloth that can be fit into a purse or men’s pocket while folded.
A standard-size hankie has the same length and width as a regular-size ruler (12 inches). Find some other reference objects that are 12inch in length. In contrast, a small handkerchief has the same length and width as knitting needles (8 inches).
So, if you ever need to cut fabric for a hankie, you can use these as measurement tape alternatives to make specific-sized handkerchiefs.
Different Types of Handkerchiefs Based On Usage
Although handkerchiefs are usually used for wiping or cleaning, they can be used for many other purposes! Here are different types of handkerchiefs based on their usage and users.
1. EDC Handkerchiefs

Photo by Katherine Chase on Unsplash
Daily carry or in short EDC hankies are for any usage on a regular day. It could be blowing your nose, wiping your face, cleaning up a mess, etc. Many of us also use these hankies to wipe down our glasses, dry our hands in bathrooms, and clean other everyday-carry items like our phones.
2. Pocket Square Handkerchiefs

Photo by Hardini Lestari on Unsplash
Using handkerchiefs as a pocket square is a thing for ages! You need to close and fold the handkerchief to make a pocket square. Handkerchiefs as pocket squares are more like an accessory for gentlemen with a fine fashion sense.
3. Handkerchief as Bandanna

Photo by Iwona Baran on Unsplash
Like a pocket square, hankies can be used as a stylish headband or bandana. A bandanna is usually worn on the head. It is commonly worn around the neck for both decorative and practical reasons. Some also use bandanas to tie around their face to block dust while hiking.
4. Napkin Handkerchief

Photo by Kim Cruickshanks on Unsplash
Napkins are pieces of cloth or paper used to clean the mouth and hands while eating. A handkerchief can also be used for the same purpose. These hankies are usually larger than regular handkerchiefs.
5. Dog Handkerchiefs

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
People who own a dog love to use handkerchiefs on their dogs' necks as bandanas. Not only do different colored bandanas make your dog look super stylish, but some bandanas are used for safety and preventative purposes.
6. Handkerchiefs in Symbolism

Photo by Rovshan Nazirli from Pexels
Handkerchiefs were also used as a symbol of marital fidelity, romance, social status, baptism, etc in the earlier era. Even in today's era, handkerchiefs are given at weddings for luck! Wedding handkerchiefs are used as a sentimental remembrance of that special day.
What Type Of Fabric is Best For Handkerchiefs?
Handkerchiefs are made from different types of fabrics. Commonly they are made of - cotton, silk, linen, cotton blend, synthetic, etc. Among all these fabric types, cotton is the best handkerchief fabric. Cotton is lightweight, absorbent, and more durable than the other ones.
How To Select The Size And Fabric for Your Handkerchief
Just about anything—it all depends on the usage and your taste. The fabric you choose and the sizes you prefer completely depend on how you will use your hankies. For example, handkerchief sizes for making pocket squares generally range from 10 x 10 to 17 x 17 inches.

Image by Tyler Harris from Unsplash
And, if you want to use your hankie as a fashion accessory with a beautiful design or pattern, silk, chiffon, or a cotton synthetic are the best fabrics.
For lighter use, small or medium size hankies will be preferable. In comparison, larger hankies are perfect for heavy usage like cleaning.
From wiping away sweat, spills, or makeup, to covering your face from dust, handkerchiefs play an important role. The above information will help you choose the perfect size handkerchief for your use.